Rabu, 07 Desember 2016


hi friend, how are you? I hope you always healty and happy. I will tell you about application that I really  like, the first is application instagram.
 The reason I love instagram application because i could post a wide variety of my photos and videos there. And I also can see the post of others ranging from my friend to the artist that I like. Others can see what I post on my account instagram they also can like a photo or video me by following my account instagram @sandysinambela name, and then click loe sometimes people will follow my account instagram just to find out what im doing or where I was especially now with the new version instagram cooler with insta story, i am free to make up a storu that I created with the form of my videos or my photos and people can see then we can also be a creative by adding captions on the photo or videos, and the last of youwho read my blog post don't forget to follow my account instagram hehe thanks for the reading my blog friend and see you again bye.

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