Kamis, 08 Desember 2016


Hello ladies and gentlemen. How are you ? we met again on my blog. topic this time we will discuss about the movie that I like and describe myself.
I'll explain a little bit of rambo 1-4.

This movie would have you know from, whether you like it or not from, whether you notice it or not. But on the synopsis may be many who do not really know and understand, such as Whether the story "war hero" is America that is so legendary in the movie. American movies so others can all make-Rambo as the "background" is Often enter into dialogue.
The film, starring Sylvester Stallone is made four (4) series: the Rambo I entitled "First Blood I"; Rambo II titled "First Blood II", Rambo III, and Rambo IV.

RAMBO I (First Blood I)
Starting from the story in 1982-an saaat a US war veteran returning from Vietnam. John Rambo, a former member of the Special Forces of the Army's best is home to America to try to continue to live in his native country. But it is precisely his return was greeted by a very unfriendly. Police arrested him after a sheriff can not "throw", Rambo was tricked the police at the Police station, until finally managed to escape and become a fugitive of the police in that city. Rambo fled to the forest, and here he waged war against the policemen. In this forest, the turn following the policemen who dipecundanginya mercenaries were also deployed, then he too returned to the city and bring the "war" was there. Blown gas stations, shopping areas, public facilities ravaged city until the light is extinguished, until the turn of the Police Office was hashed decrypted and Sherif were 'upsetting' was almost killed in his hand.

RAMBO II (First Blood II)
Series II continues the previous story. Set the time in 1985, Colonel Trautman Rambo pick who is on his days as a prisoner. She was offered freedom if I can fulfill the mission of investigating the existence of the remains of American POWs in Vietnam. Unexpectedly "commander" field based in Thailand, was able to free prisoners of war Rambo and bring them to pick up. But the "commander" was just 'give up' prisoners following Rambo's captured soldiers to Vietnam failed to pick him up. The next session is the story of the capture of Rambo and the success of his efforts to escape. Even the situation reversed, Rambo alone managed to ravage the military camp. Vietnamese soldiers actually become the playthings and military assistance from the Soviet Union - allies - does not mean much. End of story, Rambo managed to break free and drove home prisoners of war the United States. And Rambo was rewarded with the freedom and the opportunity to join in the corps of the American army, but he chose to live freely in Thailand and surrounding areas.

In 1988, Colonel Trautman Rambo picked in Thailand. The mission is to support the Afghan Mujahideen fighters who fought the Soviet occupation. Because Rambo reluctantly, the colonel took off alone to battle it. Long story short, Rambo has heard the "teacher" was held captive Unisovyet troops in Afghanistan. Rambopun went to Afghanistan and freeing the colonel. After the colonel is free, Rambo and Afganistas Mujahideen fighters fought and defeated the army of the Soviet Union in the district. Rambopun finished this mission and chose to return to settle in the region.

In this series, Rambo apparently shifted slightly from Thailand to Myanmar. In 2008, the country is shaken by political turmoil since the military government of the dictator into the background this time series Rambo IV. The story begins with the capture of two of Christian missionaries from the United States by the Myanmar army. Rambo and the mercenaries hired American ambassador to Myanmar was assigned to free two missionaries. Rambo and the mercenaries even this managed to free two prisoners, but this is the beginning of their fierce battle with the army of Myanmar. Thanks to the help of the rebels, the local army in Myanmar can be defeated. Finish this mission, John Rambo seems to want to actually return home to Arizona, United States. Rambo IV eventually became a sort of a period of "repatriating" Rambo after a long journey of heroic and legendary. According to Sly, after Rambo Rambo IV is already difficult to be explored further. But are there Rambo V?

This is a movie that I like and reflect myself. each episot of this RAMBO movie I watched, even Rambo V will be made whether the year how I was waiting for, because this is a cool movie.

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